
ビル・ゲイツ氏から「きのこ文庫」(京都府京都市左京区下鴨半木町 京都府立植物園内「平安の郷こども文庫 きのこの家」)に本が寄贈されました!きのこ文庫の画像ビル・ゲイツ氏は昨年のホリデーシーズンに、お気に入りの本5冊を世界100か所の「小さなフリーライブラリー」に寄贈。日本ではこちらの「きのこ文庫」が唯一選ばれました!


  • Stranger in a Strange Land(異星の客)
    Robert Anson Heinlein 著
  • Surrender: 40 Songs, One Story(Bonoの回顧録)
    Paul David Hewson(Bono:U2)著
  • Team of Rivals(リンカーン)
    Doris Kearns Goodwin 著
  • The Inner Game of Tennis(インナーゲーム)
    W. Timothy Gallwey 著
  • Mendeleyev’s Dream(メンデレーエフ元素の謎を解く)
    Paul Strathern 著




Dear Bill Gates,

I am a bookworm living in Kyoto, Japan. Thank you very much for donating your favorite books to the little free library in Kyoto! I am filled with gratitude and excitement.

When I was a child, I was not a very good reader. However, I became interested in books when I found the little free library shaped like a mushroom. Books took me to wonderful worlds. It was like an adventure. I could be anything and meet all kinds of people.

As I visited the Mushroom Library many times, I realized that I had grown up. I graduated from college, got a job, got married and moved. I no longer visit Mushroom Library, but I still think of it fondly every time I come across a great book.

Thanks to Mushroom Library, I was fascinated by books, and I became an adult who can keep the spirit of adventure in my heart. This is the greatest asset of all.

I want to jump into the unknown, learn new things, and broaden my horizons. I want to create a future that no one has seen before.

Thanks to the spirit of adventure cultivated in books, I was able to start a business. (Are you familiar with Yamashiro Region, located in the south of Kyoto? It is known for its Uji matcha powdered green tea. In this region, we are working to provide local information to many people.)

However, I soon began to pursue only the knowledge I needed. I was only concerned with what was in front of me, and I was away from information that was not immediately useful.

Just then, I heard that YOU donated books to the Mushroom Library! (You are someone who I have the utmost respect for.) I was very surprised, but your holiday books reading list reminded me of something important.

I would love to read your favorite books and regain the pure feeling of childhood!

